Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nick Knight

 So I went to Chapters the other day and found this enormous book on the works of Nick Knight who I think is amazing. Since it costs about $97, I decided to instead seek out his photographs online and share some on here. Let me tell you it was hard to narrow it down to only these. He works with a lot of famous celebrities and much of his work is dedicated to them but he also does many high fashion creative shoots.

Check him out here: http://www.nickknight.com/



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Linzer Cookies


So, I know I said I'd share many different topics with you but I couldn't resist posting my new baking experiment, Austrian Linzer Cookies. This is my second trial and I think they turned out pretty good, they are delicious just a bit messy looking but if you had seen the first these will look golden. The previous try the dough was really crumbly and I couldn't roll it out to make shapes. So I clumped whatever chunks I could and made these little balls of cookie dough which tasted more like scones and looked nothing like these. I learned my lesson and used a new recipe but also tons of butter this time so the dough was nice and soft and rolled out easily. I used wildberry jam for the inside. As you can see my brother and I had quite a bit of fun making these cookies. They take a while to make but  are so worth it.That's my post for tonight. I promise the next post will not involve food. Man, looking at these pictures is making me hungry all over again. Have a nice evening.